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2024 Pre-election poll of the hispanic electorate

Immigrants Are Making Ohio Great

The UnidosUS organization has conducted a pre-election survey of a sample of Latinos in the United States in order to find out their voting intentions and some opinions on the economy and migration. These were the general conclusions of the survey:

Top issues continue to be dominated by pocketbook and economic concerns.

  • Inflation: Food and basic necessities, housing/rent, and gasoline are the principal worries regarding inflation
  • Jobs and economy: Jobs with better pay and concerns about job security top other job/economic concerns
  • Housing: Concerns about costs have spiked, now a top concern across the country (not just California and Florida)
  • Healthcare: the costs of insurance and prescription medication are the driving concern for Latino voters
  • Crime/guns and Immigration tied. On crime/guns, top concern is that guns and assault weapons are too easy to get.

On immigration, path to citizenship continues to top priorities.

  • Latino voters STRONGLY favor a path to citizenship for long-residing undocumented immigrants and Dreamers; of the top 4 priorities, three relate to path to citizenship and protecting long-residing undocumented immigrants
  • With respect to enforcement, the priority is cracking down on human smugglers and drug traffickers (overall; increasing border security is ).
  • Minimal support for any mass deportation plan

As additional data, the survey reveals that: On abortion, by a 71% to 21% margin, Latinos oppose making it illegal or taking that decision away from others, no matter their own personal beliefs on the issue.

While the majority of Latinos plan to vote, many have not made a firm commitment to do so. Parties and campaigns should not miss the opportunity to engage with this large segment of the electorate.

  • 64% say they are certain they will vote
  • 55% have not been contacted by either party or any campaign
  • Early outreach is key: 33% plan to vote early, 28% by mail, and 39% on Election Day.

Vice President Harris holds a +27 point lead over former President Trump: 59% to 31%.

  • Swing states: AZ+ 29, GA +31, NV +23, NC +29, PA +35
  • Independents +8, women +36, and younger voters (18-29) +19

Finally, in terms of voting intentions, the survey reveals that Vice President Harris holds a +27 point lead over former President Trump: 59% to 31%.

  • Swing states: AZ+ 29, GA +31, NV +23, NC +29, PA +35
  • Independents +8, women +36, and younger voters (18-29) +19

Below are the graphs of the survey

2024 pre-election poll
2024 pre-election poll
2024 pre-election poll
2024 pre-election poll
2024 pre-election poll
2024 pre-election poll
2024 pre-election poll
2024 pre-election poll
2024 pre-election poll
2024 pre-election poll
2024 pre-election poll
  • Total N=3,000 Latino eligible voters
  • N= 2,800 registered
  • N= 200 eligible, not registered
  • Margin of error +/- 1.8%
  • N=300 per: Arizona, California, Georgia, Nevada, North Carolina, Pennsylvania (+/- 5.7%)
  • N=400 Florida, Texas (+/- 4.9%)
  • Field Dates: August 5-23, 2024
  • English or Spanish, according to preference
  • Mixed mode: 75% online, 25% live telephone interviews
  • N=300 per: Arizona, California, Georgia, Nevada, North Carolina, Pennsylvania (+/- 5.7%)
  • N=400 Florida, Texas (+/- 4.9%)
  • Field Dates: August 5-23, 2024
  • English or Spanish, according to preference
  • Mixed mode: 75% online, 25% live telephone interviews

Last Update: September 28 de 2024
Fuente: www.unidosus.org/