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The Multiple Crimes of Donald Trump

The Multiple Crimes of Donald Trump

For a better understanding by our readers, here we provide a summary of some of the main charges and lawsuits against former President Donald Trump:

1. Sexual Assault and defamation of Jean Carroll - Found guilty in May 2023 and January 2024. Trump must pay $88.3 million dollars.

2. Falsification of records related to the payment to the porn actress Stormy Daniels (34 different charges) - Found guilty in May 2024. Sentence to be defined on July 11, 2024.

3. Fraud in the valuation of his assets - Found guilty in February 2024. Trump must pay $355 million plus interest, and he was prohibited from serving as an officer or director of any corporation or legal entity in New York for three years.

4. Capitol assault and electoral interference - in process.

5. Conspiracy to subvert elections (13 different crimes in the state of Georgia) - in process.

6. Mishandling of classified documentation and attempted obstruction of document recovery(40 charges) -in process.

In addition to these recent cases, in the past, Donald Trump has been sued several times for inappropriate business activities.

Last Update: Julie 02 de 2024
Source: Public court records