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What are so-called “sanctuary” policies?

sanctuary policies

What are so-called “sanctuary” policies?
Over the past several years, an increasing number of states, counties, and cities have adopted a variety of policies intended to engender a greater level of trust and cooperation between local law enforcement and communities with sizeable immigrant populations, regardless of immigration status. These policies include offering English-language classes; issuing municipal identification documents and driver’s licenses to all residents; ensuring that immigrants have equal access to bail; establishing U-Visa policies to make it easier for victims of crime to obtain necessary documents from law enforcement agencies; and training criminal prosecutors and public defenders on the immigration consequences of convictions and plea deals.

One subset of these policies concerns a state’s or locality’s role in cooperating with federal authorities to enforce immigration law. These laws, policies, or resolutions are sometimes referred to as “sanctuary” policies, although no legal or standard definition of the term exists. There are many reasons jurisdictions adopt sanctuary policies, such as: a desire to strengthen relations between local law enforcement and communities with large numbers of immigrants by allowing immigrants to work with police in reporting and investigating crimes without fear of retribution or potential deportation; allowing state and local governments to determine how they will prioritize and allocate their resources; and shielding local law enforcement agencies from liabilities resulting from local enforcement of federal immigration laws.

There is no universal definition of a sanctuary policy

Despite the nationwide debate, there is no one clear definition of what it means for a state or local government to adopt sanctuary policies. Sanctuary policies take many forms and generally fall into the following categories:

The common theme behind these categories is that under a sanctuary policy, state and local officials will limit their cooperation with federal immigration officials, but do not actively prevent federal officials from carrying out their immigration enforcement duties.

One of the most common forms of sanctuary policy is a restriction on holding immigrants in state or local jails following a “detainer” issued by Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE). A detainer is an official but nonbinding request from ICE that a state or local law enforcement agency maintain custody of an individual for up to 48 hours beyond the time the individual otherwise would have been released, so that ICE can arrange to take over custody.

Sanctuary policies are based on the idea that the federal government cannot compel jurisdictions to take part in immigration enforcement

Federal actions intended to force local jurisdictions to perform immigration enforcement are likely unconstitutional. Under the Tenth Amendment of the U.S. Constitution, the Federal government “may neither issue directives requiring the States to address particular problems, nor command the States’ officers, or those of their political subdivisions, to administer or enforce a federal regulatory program.” The Supreme Court has clarified that immigration enforcement is the sole duty of the federal government, and state and local police may only carry out immigration enforcement if specifically authorized to do so by the federal government.

Compliance with immigration detainers is voluntary, not mandatory The federal government cannot force local jurisdictions to honor detainers, an interpretation repeatedly upheld by the courts. Some state courts have also ruled that the laws of their state do not provide legal authority for law enforcement agencies to hold people on an immigration detainer. In fact, jurisdictions that do honor detainers can be found liable for unlawfully holding an individual on a detainer without a judicial warrant in violation of the Fourth Amendment, and may be required to compensate individuals for damages.

Sanctuary jurisdictions do not shield immigrants from deportation, and may still share information or otherwise cooperate with federal immigration authorities

Contrary to what many believe, sanctuary policies do not conceal or shelter undocumented immigrants from detection. Nor do they shield immigrants from deportation or prosecution for criminal activities. State and local police still enforce state and local criminal laws against immigrants who are accused of committing a crime in sanctuary jurisdictions. Importantly, the Supreme Court has made clear that “as a general rule, it is not a crime for a[n undocumented immigrant] to remain present in the United States.”

Jurisdictions that adopt at least one sanctuary policy may still cooperate with federal immigration officials in a variety of other ways. For example:

Sanctuary jurisdictions are in compliance with federal law

8 U.S.C. § 1373 is a federal statute that prohibits state and local governments from enacting laws or policies that limit communication about “information regarding the immigration or citizenship status” of individuals with the Department of Homeland Security (DHS). The statute also prohibits restrictions on maintaining such information. But a number of courts have found that Section 1373 unlawfully interferes with state and local authority.

In 2017 and 2018, the Department of Justice (DOJ) sent letters to a number of cities and counties with sanctuary laws, threatening to withhold criminal justice grants unless the jurisdictions confirmed compliance with Section 1373, which DOJ interpreted to require communication about an individual’s citizenship or immigration status, allow access to jails, and honor immigration detainers. Numerous cities and counties sued, with all but one court disagreeing with DOJ’s interpretation.

In light of these decisions, Section 1373 does not:

Jurisdictions that do not honor ICE detainers or adopt sanctuary policies are safer and more economically vibrant than those that do

A 2017 report found a correlation with lower crime rates and higher economic indicators in counties that do not honor ICE detainers when compared to counties that do. The analysis revealed that in the non-detainer counties:

Última Actualización: November 04 de 2020
Fuente: www.americanimmigrationcouncil.org

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